Monday, 28 March 2011

My first follower

Hi fellas,

Dunno who all may be watching this blog, but I really wanted to thank my first follower Krystal Hill through a post dedicated only to her :D

When I was starting this blog up, I was thinking of how to go about it, how to promote it, publicise it and all. I wondered if people would follow it, if people would like it, if people would comment on it and encourage me. But when i saw Krystal's post today, it was a bright moment for me! It made me smile ear to ear. This married woman had someone listening out and trying to help out and it was kinda overwhelming to feel that.

So, thanks a lot, Krystal :)

I hope many more people are gonna follow me around in this little virtual world of mine, cuz hey, we together can make it a fun blog to be!

Also, please send in suggestions and ideas on what we can talk about and discuss and we can have a lovely women's own forum here.. Yipee!!

Dont forget to follow this one ;)

To many new friends, and many more followers


1 comment:

  1. Very nice blog. I just read your request on another blog to comment and follow your site. I appreciate as you have nice blog.
    All the best. By the way I made this blog just a few weeks ago. This is about my beautiful cute country, Pakistan. Missing it toooo much since I left it. :(

    This is my single handed effort by the way.

    All the best.
